

















单词 词性 变化形式
good adjective good, better,   best
okay adjective okay,   OK
great adjective great,   greater, greatest
big adjective big,   bigger, biggest
sure adjective sure,   surer, surest
bad adjective bad,   worse, worst
nice adjective nice,   nicer, nicest
new adjective new,   newer, newest
fine adjective fine,   finer, finest
old adjective old,   older, oldest
late adjective late,   later, latest
happy adjective happy,   happier, happiest
stupid adjective stupid,   stupider, stupidest
pretty adjective pretty,   prettier, prettiest
funny adjective funny,   funnier, funniest
hard adjective hard,   harder, hardest
cool adjective cool,   cooler, coolest
crazy adjective crazy,   crazier, craziest
hot adjective hot,   hotter, hottest
same adjective same,   sameness
ready adjective ready,   readier, readiest
true adjective true,   truer, truest
sweet adjective sweet,   sweeter, sweetest
high adjective high,   higher, highest
easy adjective easy,   easier, easiest
free adjective free,   freer, freest
young adjective young,   younger, youngest
long adjective long,   longer, longest
fat adjective fat,   fatter, fattest
black adjective black,   blacker, blackest
sick adjective sick,   sicker, sickest
cute adjective cute,   cuter, cutest
close adjective close,   closer, closest
full adjective full,   fuller, fullest
glad adjective glad,   gladder, gladdest
small adjective small,   smaller, smallest
white adjective white,   whiter, whitest
early adjective early,   earlier, earliest
dear adjective dear,   dearer, dearest
smart adjective smart,   smarter, smartest
red adjective red,   redder, reddest
poor adjective poor,   poorer, poorest
able adjective able,   abler, ablest
fair adjective fair,   fairer, fairest
quick adjective quick,   quicker, quickest
lucky adjective lucky,   luckier, luckiest
safe adjective safe,   safer, safest
cold adjective cold,   colder, coldest
huge adjective huge,   huger, hugest
proud adjective proud,   prouder, proudest
clear adjective clear,   clearer, clearest
sad adjective sad,   sadder, saddest
busy adjective busy,   busier, busiest
strong adjective strong,   stronger, strongest
blue adjective blue,   bluer, bluest
simple adjective simple,   simpler, simplest
rich adjective rich,   richer, richest
short adjective short,   shorter, shortest
hungry adjective hungry,   hungrier, hungriest
honest adjective honest,   honester, honestest
dark adjective dark,   darker, darkest
dirty adjective dirty,   dirtier, dirtiest
angry adjective angry,   angrier, angriest
deep adjective deep,   deeper, deepest
lovely adjective lovely,   lovelier, loveliest
clean adjective lovely,   lovelier, loveliest
ugly adjective ugly,   uglier, ugliest
strange adjective strange,   stranger, strangest
fresh adjective fresh,   fresher, freshest
loud adjective loud,   louder, loudest
silly adjective silly,   sillier, silliest


单词 词性 变化形式
guy noun guy, guys
time noun time,   times
thing noun thing,   things
man noun man,   men
way noun way,   ways
day noun day,   days
dad noun dad,   dads
friend noun friend,   friends
kid noun kid,   kids
boy noun boy,   boys
night noun night,   nights
year noun year,   years
mom noun mom,   moms
life noun life,   lives
kind noun kind,   kinds
baby noun baby,   babies
girl noun girl,   girls
woman noun woman,   women
lot noun lot,   lots
home noun home,   homes
minute noun minute,   minutes
place noun place,   places
person noun person,   people, persons
house noun house,   houses
school noun school,   schools
car noun car,   cars
idea noun idea,   ideas
week noun week,   weeks
job noun job,   jobs
problem noun problem,   problems
world noun world,   worlds
party noun party,   parties
room noun room,   rooms
family noun family,   families
son noun son,   sons
name noun name,   names
child noun child,   children
game noun game,   games
doctor noun doctor,   doctors
dollar noun dollar,   dollars
dog noun dog,   dogs
sir noun sir,   sirs
head noun head,   heads
movie noun movie,   movies
hour noun hour,   hours
mother noun mother,   mothers
word noun word,   words
father noun father,   fathers
story noun story,   stories
part noun part,   parts
lady noun lady,   ladies
number noun number,   numbers
morning noun morning,   mornings
tomorrow noun tomorrow,   tomorrows
phone noun phone,   phones, telephone, telephones
eye noun eye,   eyes
wife noun wife,   wives
book noun book,   books
dinner noun dinner,   dinners
hand noun hand,   hands
television noun television,   televisions
town noun town,   towns
date noun date,   dates
office noun office,   offices
food noun food,   foods
door noun door,   doors
parent noun parent,   parents
month noun month,   months
brother noun brother,   brothers
work noun work,   works
other noun other,   others
ball noun ball,   balls
line noun line,   lines
heart noun heart,   hearts
class noun class,   classes
picture noun picture,   pictures
side noun side,   sides
love noun love,   loves
hair noun hair,   hairs
reason noun reason,   reasons
look noun look,   looked, looking, looks
bed noun bed,   beds
paper noun paper,   papers
face noun face,   faces
city noun city,   cities
question noun question,   questions
birthday noun birthday,   birthdays
point noun point,   points
fact noun fact,   facts
bar noun bar,   bars
joke noun joke,   jokes
chance noun chance,   chances
card noun card,   cards
song noun song,   songs
coffee noun coffee,   coffees
apartment noun apartment,   apartments
back noun back,   backs
box noun box,   boxes
dream noun dream,   dreams
water noun water,   waters


单词 词性 变化形式
be verb be, am, are,   been, being, is, was, were
do verb do,   did, does, doing, done
have verb have,   had, has, having
get verb get,   gets, getting, got, gotten
go verb go,   goes, going, gone, went
can verb can,   could, cannot
know verb know,   knew, knowing, known, knows
think verb think,   thinking, thinks, thought
want verb want,   wanted, wanting, wants
come verb come,   came, comes, coming
say verb say,   said, saying, says
see verb see,   saw, seeing, seen, sees
like verb like,   liked, likes, liking
look verb look,   looked, looking, looks
make verb make,   made, makes, making
take verb take,   taken, takes, taking, took
let verb let,   lets, letting
tell verb tell,   telling, tells, told
will verb will,   willing, would
mean verb mean,   meaning, means, meant
give verb give,   gave, given, gives, giving
need verb need,   needed, needs, needing
shall verb shall,   should
talk verb talk,   talked, talking, talks